
Three Ways to Make the Most Out of Your FightCamp Workouts

Whether you are a boxing newbie or a seasoned fitness fanatic, there are a few ways you can be sure to get the most out of your FightCamp workouts and use your punch sessions so they push you toward your goals.

Check out these three (3) options, which will help you get the biggest bang for your buck.

1. Follow the Path

If you are new to boxing fitness or even just want a refresh, follow the Prospect Path. The path was designed by FightCamp co-founder, Tommy Duquette, with the goal of training you like you would train if you went to a top boxing gym. The path is designed to teach you proper form and technique, and help you build the strength you need to complete the boxing workouts and continually improve. The path is challenging, fun, and a way to ensure you feel comfortable progressing through the workouts in a safe and effective way.

2. Do It. Then Do It Again.

If you already completed a workout, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it again – but this time, do it differently. Even though the workout will remain the same, your focus can change, which will give you a different way to work out and keep it fresh. For example, if you completed the Punches in Bunches workout, do the workout again, but really focus on your form. Pay attention to punches that may not “feel right” or moves that confuse you and work to perfect them – or get as close as possible. The better your technique is, the better your workout will be.

3. Focus on Metrics

While it may not be a great idea to always focus on the numbers (because we all know that sometimes we just need to get it done and it may not be our best effort), focusing on the metrics can create new energy and provide goals that are exciting to reach. Consider doing the same workout three times. Do it once and set your benchmarks. The second time, focus on form/technique and improvement. For the third time, go all out and focus on your punch counts and intensity. You may even get a little competitive with yourself and try to hit the punch count for every round and then pick a new punch count and set a goal to exceed that number. Whichever metrics motivate you, use those. And if you aren’t sure which numbers make sense, throw a post up in the FightCamp community group to ask others what they think. Who knows, maybe a little fighter competition will pop up?!

    In general, remember why you are doing these workouts – they are fun, they are helping you hit your fitness goals, and you can learn something new every time you put your gloves on and get into fighter mode.