
Have a Problem? Claudelle Will Solve It.

As the FightCamp community grows, our members continue to provide us with relevant, helpful feedback that is ultimately helping us make this workout the best at-home boxing fitness regimen with an amazing community of great people.

 To ensure FightCamp keeps this momentum going and we keep our focus on the future by adding new functionality and features, we remain tapped into our members and there is no better way to show that commitment than relying on our newly appointed Head of Customer Success superstar, Claudelle Jette.

Claudelle is an avid FightCamp user who has a background in psychology and hails from Quebec. Her journey to becoming Head of Customer Success included a series of moments, which brought her husband to California first and left her back at home where she got into boxing and learned all about the hype firsthand.

As an engineer with FightCamp, Claudelle’s husband moved out with the team when they set up shop in California. Claudelle stayed behind for a while. Since she was on opposites sides of the continent than her spouse, she started to learn to box without any prior experience. Once she started learning and getting into it, she realized why boxing fitness was such a great option.

“Before boxing, I wasn’t really into any sort of exercise. I was the person who’d be chosen last in gym class because I wasn’t athletic. I also wasn’t really a gym person. But once I started boxing, I felt great! I felt empowered. It was amazing to throw punches and use a positive outlet to combat stress.”

With a BA in Psychology, Claudelle worked with autistic children as a therapist and truly enjoyed it. However, when she made the move to join her husband in California, she didn’t have the correct permits and licenses to work in the same field in the US.

As Claudelle searched for her next career move, she was approached by the FightCamp team about joining – but she had some initial hesitations about joining the team.

However, she realized that working with her husband and friends was exactly what would make sense and make her happy in her career. By blending her plethora of experience in the service industry and education, which was founded in research and how the mind works, Claudelle felt that working in customer service would absolutely be a fulfilling opportunity where she could apply her skills and become an influential member of the FightCamp team.

And she was absolutely correct. 

Claudelle oversees all of the customer support and works closely customers, leadership, and others on the team. She is a knowledgeable liaison bridging the gap between customer feedback and the engineering team, which is essential to developing and course-correcting in a timely manner. Claudelle’s research and psychology background have allowed her to really understand the mindset of members during the customer journey and dig deep into ensuring FightCamp is top-of-the-line and that customers are getting exactly what they need.

For Claudelle, the most satisfying and fulfilling part of her work is seeing the impact that FightCamp can make and the access to fitness it provides for anyone who wants to be healthier. As a former therapist, she loves that this workout can serve both the mind and the body and truly help others in every aspect of wellness.

When it comes to making sure that every FightCamp member is excited, happy, and satisfied with the product and their workouts, the FightCamp team is here to listen, respond, and act.

So if you have a problem, reach out to Claudelle and she will make sure she solves it!