
FightCamp Trainer Spotlight: Tommy Duquette

Meet Our FightCamp Trainer (and Co-Founder), Tommy Duquette.

FUN FACTS About Tommy

  • Favorite Food: Greasy East Coast Pizza
  • Guilty [food] Pleasure: Ice Cream
  • Favorite Music for Boxing: 90s Hip Hop or some Salsa 😊
  • Personal Mantra: Get a just a little bit better every day – do something in the interest of continuous improvement.
  • Three Words That Describe Tommy: Curious. Passionate. Hardworking.
  • Words of Wisdom: Don’t take a giant leap, it’s not sustainable – build fitness into your lifestyle.

The Early Days

At the age of 14, Tommy Duquette walked into the Boston Boxing Gym with a family member and sat down to watch him train. The boxing trainer saw him sitting on the sideline watching intently. He walked over to Tommy, took one good look at him, and told him to “put his shorts on.”

At that moment, unknowingly, Tommy began his journey into boxing and entrepreneurship--two passions that have made him the man he is today.

Tommy Duquette is not only a co-founder of FightCamp, he is also a former amateur boxing standout, born to a family whose riches came in the form of boxing experience, drive, and passion. He is a boxing trainer and an entrepreneur.

As a kid, Tommy wanted to be a professional athlete. His grandfather and great-grandfather were both professional boxing champs, so traveling down the path of training to compete seemed natural. Tommy’s family was one that valued hard work ethic and effort, and they instilled that in him from a young age.

Armed with good genes and morals, Tommy continued his boxing training beyond that first day as a 14-year-old kid. He worked his way up and earned his spot competing as an amateur. Tommy Duquette made the US National Team, and had his sights set on becoming an Olympian.

In 2012, Tommy qualified for the Olympic Trials as the #2 seed in the nation. He was one step closer to reaching his goal. Unfortunately, Tommy just missed making the Olympic team by a tiny margin.

But Tommy Duquette wasn’t down and out. Even though he didn’t take the “traditional” route of going to college right after high school since he was so busy working and boxing, he still had a passion for education. Over time, Tommy grew less interested in pursuing boxing as a career, and instead kept open for opportunities. Eventually, Tommy pivoted, changed his focus, and followed his interest in ideation, creating, and growing--all of the things successful entrepreneurs love.

Boxer and Entrepreneur

Tommy took the path into higher education where he excelled. He earned a scholarship to Babson College--one of the best schools for entrepreneurship. During his last semester, Tommy was chosen to take part in an internship with a VC fund, Highland Capital. Through his experience, he was given direct access to two highly influential people: Bob Davis, founder of Lycos, and Andrew Hunt, co-founder of Warby Parker.

During that time, Duquette realized he wanted to truly commit himself to becoming an entrepreneur and making his mark in the world. He eventually found Khalil, Alex, Patrick, Jay, and Turbo--the other five FightCamp co-founders--who were working on the first generation the FightCamp Punch Trackers. At the time, these were huge, handmade devices that barely worked. Tommy joined the team as a co-founder, and shortly after, they received an investment from Y-Combinator, and moved to the West Coast.

With a new environment and a fresh perspective, the team continued refining the hardware and software involved in the tracker technology. Although they had professional boxers and trainers using their technology to optimize training and performance, the team saw another opportunity in reaching boxing enthusiasts of all ages, shapes, sizes, and levels.

Their idea to reach a new audience involved inviting boxing fitness enthusiasts to bring the tracker technology into their own homes. They could use their trackers to work with awesome boxing trainers through on-demand boxing workouts. The team introduced this idea to the public to gauge interest, and the initial response was extremely positive.

The team got to work building the idea and in November 2017, FightCamp was officially born.

Boxing Trainer and FightCamp Co-Founder

Tommy Duquette remains a large driving force behind building the FightCamp brand as he heads marketing strategy and is involved with product development. Not only does Tommy work on the business, he works in the business. Tommy creates most of the workouts, works directly with all the trainers, and is a FightCamp trainer himself.

With precise technique, a motivational spirit, and a kick-ass attitude, Tommy’s FightCamp workouts will always force you to challenge yourself. Tommy will take you to the next level, all you have to do is take the first step.