
FightCamp Trainer Spotlight: Shanie “Smash” Rusth

Meet Our FightCamp Trainer, Shanie “Smash” Rusth.

FUN FACTS About Shanie “Smash”


  • Favorite Food: Smoothies, green juice, sushi, acai bowls, and burritos
  • Guilty [food] Pleasure: Pint of McConnells, Peppermint Stick ice cream
  • Favorite Music for Boxing: Gangster Rap, EDM, and Punk Rock
  • Personal Mantra: You got this, girl!
  • Three Words That Describe Shanie: Driven. Passionate. Fun.
  • Words of Wisdom: START NOW. There will always be a reason to not do something. The time is right now.

Shanie “Smash”: Then

At the age of 21, Shanie “Smash” Rusth found herself out on her own with two young toddlers and leading a life that didn’t look the same as most of her friends.
“While most of my friends were in college, partying, or just starting out their careers, I had two kids and was going through a divorce,” explained Shanie. “It was definitely one of the most challenging things to happen, but it taught me that I can do anything.”

Shanie started working at the fragile age of 5 and since, has done everything from modeling and almost starring in a reality TV show, to competing professionally in MMA--with a winning record of 2-0--to becoming a fitness and boxing coach. Then, of course, joining the FightCamp team as an electrifying trainer!

Shanie “Smash”: Now

Taking her “can-do” attitude to the highest level, Shanie Rusth is going above and beyond “doing just anything” and has recently kicked her life into high gear by climbing the ranks at UFC GYM, and now works from their global headquarters in Newport Beach as a Franchise Development Associate. She travels through North America, vets potential franchisees in the US and Canada, and sells franchises for UFC GYM and their newest boutique boxing/HIIT studio concept, CLASS.

Sweating it out and inspiring others to get fit is what truly drives her. She’s working toward bigger goals and a vision of reaching and inspiring even more people. Shanie “Smash” is in the midst of carefully coordinating her career and family, while still having fun--a constant balancing act that most working moms experience.

“My typical day [when I am not traveling] starts with a wake-up call around 4:30 or 5 a.m. I get on the road by 7 a.m. to beat the traffic, and get into the office by 8:30 or 9. I work a full day and battle the traffic to get home and be Mom.”
With her daily commute from LA to Orange County taking up about four hours of her day, Shanie makes the most of it.

“I listen to Joe Rogan podcasts to keep my sanity during high traffic times. And some days I work a bit later, or I’ll break up my commute by stopping at one of our gyms on the ride home. I’ll lift, hit the bag, do some cardio, or take a class.”

As a true go-getter, this girl is almost never standing still–she is working, parenting, coaching, or squeezing in some time to enjoy life. Shanie “Smash”, a self-proclaimed “sweat feign,” loves anything that gets her to move and sweat–even in her “spare time.” A passionate student of the sweet science, she loves martial arts, is an inspiring fitness coach, and fought professionally for six years.
“I love sweating. I love sharing my passion. I love taking care of my body and helping others do the same.”

Those “others” include her kids–Brody and Lola. Living by the beach, Shanie takes them to the beach as much as possible so they can enjoy the outdoors and run. They go rollerskating or skateboarding, and just enjoy time in the sun together.

“Lola is definitely into fitness and the girl goes hard. I can get her to run a few miles with me and join me for some of the boxing workouts. Brody is into other sports, but he is strong and really getting into baseball. As long as he’s into something, I am happy.”

Although being a new and young mom was one of the more challenging moments of her life due to her family situation, Shanie felt like she was a total natural at motherhood–and she loves it! While her interest and passion for the fitness industry may have been a seed planted by her mother long before becoming a trainer, Shanie believes her kids are what nurtured those seeds to make them grow, pushing her to take this incredible journey.

Not only is Shanie “Smash” an incredible person, she’s an inspiring boxing trainer and we are so fortunate to have her as a FightCamp trainer! Try her workouts and you will absolutely be motivated.


The Author: Tommy Duquette is the Co-Founder and Head of Content  at FightCamp. He is a former US Boxing Team member with 136 fights under his belt and qualified for the 2012 Olympic trials as the #2 seed. He has 18 years experience training clients in boxing and fitness.