
Get Toned Fast With Kickboxing At-Home

The first step to learning any new workout routine is getting down proper technique and form. As a beginner to kickboxing, we recommend watching a few videos and practicing in front of a mirror when starting out. You can do kickboxing at home whether you have boxing equipment or not. If you want to get all of the benefits of the workout and feel the power of your kicks and strikes, it’s helpful to have a heavy boxing bag to hit, but it’s not required if you’re just starting out. The FightCamp heavy bag is easy to assemble and is designed to withstand the force of any kick or punch. Plus, unlike other boxing bags, it is also fully padded so that you won’t harm or injure yourself punching high and kicking low.

As a beginner to kickboxing, keep in mind that learning proper techniques will help you get the most of your workout and eliminate the possibility of injury.

The key with any exercise routine is to start slowly, learn the fundamentals of proper movements, and track your progress. Here are the basic punches and kicks that are part of kickboxing workouts.

Punches And Kicks Defined:

Fight Stance

In a proper fighting stance, your feet are shoulder-width apart and you have one foot rotated forward with your back foot behind you. Have your forward foot pointing with your toes toward the target.


A jab is the most basic punch in boxing and kickboxing. From a fighting stance, push off your back “planter” leg, extend your fist quickly to punch the body to the bag and snap your hand back. Keep your punching elbow in tight to the body and have your other hand up in a guarding “defense” position.


A cross is a punch that is thrown crosswise from the body. To throw a proper cross, start in a fight stance, keep your punching elbow at 90 degrees and swing your punch while rotating your hips and punch across your body from left to right or right to left.

Lead Hook

The lead hook is one of the 6 basic punches to learn. From a fighting stance, shift your weight to your front leg and your lead fist is striking upward with your elbow at 90 degrees below it.

Lead Kick

From a fighting stance, take your front leg and bend it at the knee. Shift your weight over your back leg while kicking your front leg 90 degrees to your target. The object is to strike your bag at the mid-”torso” area if that was an opponent.

Knee Kick

A knee kick is a standing strike with your front leg leading with your knee. To perform it properly, start with a fighting stance, bend your front leg at the knee and drive your knee upward to your target while you shift your weight from your back leg to your striking leg.

Lead Uppercut

Another one of the basic punches of boxing, a lead uppercut is a punch thrown in an upward motion. A lead uppercut is thrown by starting in a fight stance, using your front fist to strike upward from near the waist while shifting weight from your back leg to your front.

What Are The Benefits of Kickboxing?

Kickboxing has several benefits beyond just a great workout. Here is a list of some of the effects a kickboxing workout can have:

  • Increased Muscle Strength
  • Improved Stamina
  • Enhanced Balance
  • Better Heart Health
  • Weight Management
  • Improved Mental Health
  • Better Quality Sleep
  • More Confidence

Can You Do Kickboxing At Home?

Yes, kickboxing at home is a great way to get started. First learn the basic movements and proper fundamentals. Learning proper technique and form will make your training much more enjoyable and eliminate any potential for injury.

If you’re unsure about the proper way to train or to get started, here are several resources for beginners:

What Do You Need For Kickboxing At Home?

To start a kickboxing routine at home, the basic boxing equipment you will need is a punching bag. We recommend FightCamp’s free-standing punching bag as it is fully padded and sturdy enough to withstand both punches and kicks at all levels.

As many kickboxing workouts will include basic punch combinations, you will also need boxing hand wraps and boxing gloves for proper protection.

If you aren’t sure you are willing to invest in boxing equipment, you can always perform a kickboxing workout by shadowboxing. Although you won’t have a defined “target” to make contact with, you will still reap the benefits of the workout.

How Many Days A Week Should You Do Kickboxing?

In general, you should begin any exercise routine moderately and scale up with more intense exercises as you improve your grasp on the fundamentals and improve your overall conditioning.

We recommend getting started three days a week for 30 minutes. If you want more exercise ideas, we have a 7-day kickboxing technique workout you could try, or check out our YouTube channel for more suggestions, tips, and workouts.

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The Author: David Throop is an avid fitness aficionado and fitness writer who practices a number of disciplines and activities from amateur kickboxing, yoga, swimming, and biking. He lives in Southern California.