
How To Choose The Right Punching Bag For Your Workout

Choosing the right punching bag is the key to improved workout performance and success in your at-home boxing training. With so many options and sizes available, it can be difficult to determine which heavy bag is right for you, especially as a beginner boxer. We’ll show you how to pick the right boxing bag for at home use.

Which Type of Punching Bag Is Best?

Punching bags come in all shapes and sizes. They each have their own pros and cons and the “best” one for you depends on your needs. The first thing you need to do is determine where your training space will be and what kind of boxing bag is best for your space. Here are some of the different options you can choose from:

  • Heavy bag
  • Free-standing bag
  • Speed bag
  • Boxing bag with stand
  • Hanging punching bag

What Types of Heavy Punching Bags Are There?

Heavy bags—like the name implies—are punching bags generally weighing up to 200 pounds. There are two types of heavy punching bags you can use:

  • Traditional hanging bags
  • Free-standing punching bags

Traditional hanging punching bags are usually attached to the ceiling or a stand, and swing when kicked or punched. Free-standing punching bags are fitted onto a base that provides a stable foundation. Generally, heavy bags are used to improve punching and kicking skills. Heavy bags may be used in a number of different fighting sports including boxing, Muay Thai, taekwondo, and karate.

How To Pick The Right Size Heavy Punching Bag

If you’re wondering what weight and size of heavy punching bag is best for you, the general rule is that heavy bags should be approximately half your body weight. A 200 pound person may find a 100 pound bag suitable for use. For most adults, hanging bags should be at least 80 pounds to provide a good experience.

Here’s some basic guidelines regarding various punching bag weights:

  • 40 pounds: optimal for youth boxers and young beginners
  • 70 pounds: designed for teenagers and beginners
  • 100 pounds: suitable for intermediate boxers
  • 200 pounds: designed for heavyweight boxers

Heavy bags are versatile enough to fit within all different types of fighting and boxing training styles.

When Should You Use a Free-Standing Bag?

Free-standing bags are punching bags that do not require mounting. These bags are typically attached to heavy bases weighted down with sand or water.

Free-standing bags are great for practicing various kicking techniques, or for use in rooms with limited wall installation options. These types of heavy punching bags are portable and can be placed in living rooms or bedrooms for easy accessibility and storage. They don’t require professional installation which can save on set up costs as well. FightCamp Trainer Aaron Swenson reviewed two (2) free-standing punching bags in this video.

Century Versys vs. FightCamp Heavy Bag Review

A drawback with most free-standing bags is that they can move around a lot when hit hard and even tip over. This is especially the case with a lot of the smaller, less expensive models, so what you save on in cost, you may pay for in a worse training experience. Unlike most free-standing bags on the market, the FightCamp free-standing bag comes with a bag ring designed to keep the base centered and from falling over.

We compared three (3) different punching bags that are on the market today using a standard evaluation. You can check out the video here and read the in depth analysis here.

Best Free-Standing Heavy Punching Bag Review

When Should You Use a Speed Bag?

Speed bags are much smaller than their other punching bag counterparts. They help athletes improve punching speed while simultaneously enhancing strength, timing, and cardiovascular endurance.

Boxing Speed Bag

Unlike other types of punching bags, speed bags are filled with air and are often suspended from ceilings or walls. Speed bags tend to have a teardrop shape and are commonly used for traditional boxing training.

When Should You Use a Hanging Bag?

Traditional hanging bags can be a great, cost-effective option for the right person. These types of punching bags are usually hung from ceilings. With traditional hanging bags, the main thing to consider is whether you’re willing and able to anchor the bag permanently into your wall or ceiling. They will take a lot of abuse and will swing around freely, so they will need to be properly installed by a professional. Hanging your punching bag from a metal stand that sits on the floor is also an option but these metal stands are often very clunky, cause a lot of noise, take up a lot of space, and can ruin floor surfaces as they shift around a lot with impact.

Comparison of Punching Bags

Free-Standing Bag


  • Portable, easily moved
  • Good for kicking
  • Doesn't require permanent installation


  • Can move around
  • Can tip over

Speed Bag


  • Good for technique training and speed
  • Small, compact design


  • Needs to be permanently installed to ceiling

Hanging Bag


  • Cost-effective
  • Effective for training (when attached)
  • Simulates real fighting
  • Won't tip over


  • Needs to be professionally installed
  • Usually permanent
  • Stand options are noisy, large, and moveable

How Can You Determine The Quality of a Punching Bag?

It can be difficult to determine the quality of a punching bag just by looking at pictures. You will want to evaluate punching bags based on safety and durability. Safety is key. A quality punching bag will have good resistance but not be packed too hard. Some punching bags tend to be packed too hard and can hurt or injure your hand. You also want to consider durability. You’re going to be hitting it over and over and you want it to last through your training. This is where craftsmanship comes into play. Typically bags made in the USA are of higher quality and tend to last longer. The best way to find a quality punching bag is to do your research, ask people you trust, and read reviews.

How Much Can You Expect To Pay For a Punching Bag?

The price range for a good hanging bag is often less than a good free-standing bag, and can run you anywhere from $100 - $250, however you also have to consider how it will be mounted. Depending on your set up, professional installation can end up costing you more. On the other hand, a free-standing bag can cost anywhere between $150 - $500, but it won’t require professional installation and mounting. Keep in mind, if you want a free-standing bag that is high quality and that will last, expect to spend on the higher end of that range.

FightCamp’s interactive boxing gym comes with everything you’ll need to get started boxing at home including a free-standing punching bag, punch-trackers, hand wraps, gloves and a non-slip workout mat.

How Do I Know Which Punching Bag To Buy?

Boxers should choose a punching bag best suited to their individual training goals and experience levels. Understanding different types of heavy bags is an essential element of finding the right boxing equipment for home boxing. There are many factors to consider when choosing a punching bag: size, type, quality, and price. Once you have identified your specific training needs and your budget, you’ll be able to select the bag that’s right for you.

Which Punching Bag Is Right For You?

Punching bags are the most vital component of boxing equipment for your home. Whether you’re a beginner boxer or a seasoned expert—having the right punching bag can make all the difference in your workouts. Once you determine where your training space will be, you can look into the correct size, type, and option for your price point and your goals.

If you have the space and money, heavy bags are great for working on punching and kicking skills. If you are looking for something that can be easily moved and doesn’t require professional installation, free-standing bags are portable and allow you to practice kicking techniques. Finally, if you are looking to improve your speed, strength, and endurance, speed bags are small and perfect for practicing finesse.

Boxing can be one of the most effective forms of cardiovascular exercise. As a high impact form of training—it offers substantial calorie burning benefits while improving stamina and endurance.

FightCamp is an at-home interactive boxing gym experience that provides access to hundreds of online, on-demand classes. As the leader in at-home boxing workouts—it uses equipment and personalized online training courses with skilled experts to help you get in shape quickly.

Our unique free-standing bag and specially designed workouts provide boxers of all skill levels with the tools needed to get into top-notch shape. Look good and feel great with everything you need to become the best version of yourself.

FightCamp Free-Standing Punching Bag With Bag Ring

For more information about our world-class training programming, be sure to check out our website and packages for additional support. 

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The Author: Shanie "Smash" Rusth is an undefeated professional mixed martial artist, FightCamp Trainer, and mother of two. She began training MMA in 2011 as a way to get in shape, learn a new skill, channel aggression, and feel empowered after becoming a young single mom. Outside of practicing martial arts and being a trainer, Shanie loves spending time in the gym and being active in the sunshine with her kids by going to the beach, running in the soft sand, and riding skateboards. Shanie is also USA Boxing Coach certified.