
THREE Beginner At-Home Boxing Drills To Train Like a Pro

Many people looking to get started with boxing ask questions such as:

  • How can a beginner start boxing?
  • Can you learn boxing by yourself?

The answer is an emphatic yes and these drills will teach you the fundamentals of boxing. The first drill will be a basic boxing movement, the second drill will be a punch combination, and the third drill will focus on conditioning. Rest for 30 seconds in between each drill. Here’s how it looks:

Drill 1: 2 Slips - 2 Rolls - Shuffle Back - Shuffle Forward
(repeat for 3 minutes)

Drill 2: Punch Combo: Jab - Cross - Lead Hook
(repeat for 3 minutes)

Drill 3: Pushup Punches, Lunge Punches & Plank Punches
(30 seconds each, repeat for 3 minutes)

Drill 1

Boxing Drill 1


Boxing Movement: 2 Slips - 2 Rolls - Shuffle Back - Shuffle Forward
(3 minutes)

Let’s cover the proper form and technique for the movements in this drill.

  • Slip: A slip is essentially a head dodge for an incoming strike. The goal of a slip is to move your head just enough to avoid the punch, but not too far that you throw yourself off balance. To perform a slip, bend both your knees slightly and lean your weight towards the side you’d like to slip to. Think of your body as a straight line. When you slip, you’re simply moving to the left or right side of that line, and then returning to center.
  • Roll: In one fluid movement, drop down in your boxing stance and shift your weight from one leg to the other. Then rise up, back to a standing position. A perfect roll should have you dropping your body just underneath an oncoming punch and no further. The easiest way to think about executing a roll is to picture yourself making the letter “U” in the air.
  • Shuffle: A key component of boxing is always staying light on your feet and ready to move. Move your rear foot one step back and allow your front foot to follow. To shuffle forward, move your front foot one step forward and allow your back foot to follow.

These three movements are the most valuable tools in your boxing toolbox. Link them together in this sequence. Start slow and get a feel for these fundamental movements, while keeping your hands in a guard position at all times. Try to link all six movements into one fluid sequence of moves. After you feel comfortable with your movements, go ahead and pick up the speed.

Get into your boxing stance with your feet a comfortable distance apart and your hands up by your chin in a guard position.

Movement Drill: 2 Slips - 2 Rolls - Shuffle Back - Shuffle Forward (3 minutes)

Rest for 30 seconds.

Drill 2

Boxing Drill 2


Punch Combo: Jab - Cross - Lead Hook
(3 minutes)

This drill is going to run through a basic three punch sequence: Jab - Cross - Hook

  • Jab: Lead with a jab. As a reminder, your jab hand should be the same side as your lead foot. Rotate your hand as you extend from your guard into a jab. Your hand to your elbow should be flat as a table, with no bend in the wrist. Rotate your hand back into a guard position almost as soon as you throw it out.
  • Cross: Perform the same movement as your jab, but with your rear hand. Be sure to pivot your back foot when you punch so that you can generate power through your hips. Return your hand to a guard position.
  • Lead Hook: With your jab hand, you’re going to perform a basic hook. Bend your arm at the elbow and rotate your hips in the same direction you are punching. Execute the strike and return your hand to your guard.

As with the first drill, start slow and get used to the movements. Piece all three strikes into one fluid combination, focusing on throwing the next strike as soon as your hand returns to your guard. Slowly begin to pick up the pace and even work in some of the movements from the first drill if you feel comfortable enough!

Learning to box at home as a beginner is all about repetition and consistent training.

Get into your boxing stance and your hands up in your guard position.

Punch Combo: Jab - Cross - Lead Hook (3 minutes)

Rest for 30 seconds.

Drill 3

Boxing Drill 3

Conditioning Drill: Pushup Punches, Lunge Punches & Plank Punches
(3 minutes)

Conditioning is an important part of a boxing training regimen that many beginners overlook. Three-minute drills are great for cardio training, but building strength without equipment requires creativity. Follow these three exercises to build up a good sweat and finish your workout strong.

  • Pushup Punches (30 seconds)

Get down into a pushup position but leave about one foot of space between your feet. Perform a pushup and throw a punch from your pushup position. Alternate hands to ensure both arms get a workout.

  • Lunge Punches (30 seconds)

Without resting, hop up into a standing position and begin. Step backward with your foot and drop into a lunge, touching your back knee lightly to the floor. Make sure your front knee stays bent at a near-perfect 90-degree angle, and throw a fully extended punch with the same hand as the leg that you stepped backward with. Return to a standing position and alternate between sides for 30 seconds.

  • Plank Punches (30 seconds)

For the final exercise of the sequence, put yourself into a plank position. While holding yourself in that plank, alternate punching with both arms for 30 seconds.

Repeat all three exercises one more time to complete the three (3) minute round.

Rest for 30 seconds.

What Now?

Great work! You’ve nailed this at-home boxing workout. Boxing without equipment can seem daunting at first, but anyone can get started with these simple beginner boxing drills.

If you enjoyed these exercises and want to see what else Tommy and the FightCamp Trainers have in store, check out our other YouTube videos, blog articles, and workouts on the App. Start your boxing and kickboxing training with FightCamp today!

Continue practicing to get in shape and take your training to the next level!

The Author: Tommy Duquette is the Co-Founder and Head of Content at FightCamp. He is a former US Boxing Team member with 136 fights under his belt and qualified for the 2012 Olympic trials as the #2 seed. He has 18 years of experience training clients in boxing and fitness.