
Shanie Smash’s 4-Round Kettlebell Circuit For Boxing Training

Strength and conditioning are imperative aspects to any combat athlete’s training regime. A proper strength and conditioning program for a functional athlete is very different from a traditional bodybuilder, as their training must revolve around athletic performance.

Training with kettlebells will stabilize your core, make you stronger, more explosive, and increase your striking power. Kettlebell training can mimic the same ballistic movement that your body performs when throwing a punch, knee, or kick.
FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Kettlebell Exercises

Try this 4-round kettlebell circuit to improve your fight performance:

  • Two Arm Swings (25 reps)
  • Goblet Squat (20 reps)
  • Clean and Press (10 reps on each side)
  • RDL (10 reps on each side)
  • Plank Drag (5 reps on each side)
  • Repeat 4x

Kettlebell Circuit (4 rounds)

Two Arm Swings (25 reps)


FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Two Arm Kettlebell Swing

  • Stand behind the kettlebell with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Bend over at the hip with your knees bent and back straight
  • Extend your arms downward and grasp the kettlebell handle with both hands using an overhand grip
  • Lift the kettlebell off of the floor and pull your forearms against your inner thighs while keeping your hips and knees bent with your low back taut


FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Two Arm Kettlebell Swing

  • Drive your hips forward, with your torso upright and your knees straight so the kettlebell is pushed forward and upward
  • Allow the kettlebell to swing back down
  • As the kettlebell approaches the lower position, fold at the hips while bending your knees
  • Your forearms make contact with your inner thighs, letting the kettlebell swing back under your hips
  • Immediately repeat the movement and continue to swing the kettlebell
  • Maintain shoulder-to-eye level height swings


FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Two Arm Kettlebell Swing

  • Swing the kettlebell back down between your legs
  • Allow the kettlebell to swing forward, but do not extend your hips and knees (as would be required to continue the swing)
  • Slow the kettlebell's swing and place it on the floor in the original deadlift position

Goblet Squat (20 reps)


FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Kettlebell Goblet Squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or with a slightly wider stance
  • Hold the kettlebell by the horns over your chest with both hands


FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Kettlebell Goblet Squat

  • Squat down, bending your hips back while allowing your knees to bend forward, keeping your back straight and knees pointed in the same direction as your feet
  • Descend until your thighs are just past parallel to the floor
  • Extend your knees and hips until your legs are straight
  • Return to stand and repeat

Clean and Press (10 reps on each side)


FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Kettlebell Clean and Press

  • Straddle the kettlebell with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Squat down with your arm extended downward between your legs and grasp the kettlebell handle with an overhand grip
  • Position your shoulder over the kettlebell with a taut low back and your trunk close to vertical

Execution (Clean)

FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Kettlebell Clean and Press

  • Lift the kettlebell up off the floor by extending your hips and knees
  • Once the kettlebell is off of the ground, vigorously raise your shoulder above the kettlebell while keeping it close to the body
  • Jump upward, extending your body
  • Raise your shoulder and pull the kettlebell upward with your arm allowing your elbow to bend out to the side, keeping the kettlebell close to your body
  • Drop under the kettlebell, rotating your arm under the kettlebell
  • Catch the kettlebell on the outside of your arm with your wrist straight while moving into a partial squat position

Execution (Jerk)

FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Kettlebell Clean and Press

  • Explosively drive upward with your legs, driving the kettlebell up off your arm
  • Drop your body downward and bend your knees as fast as possible while vigorously extending your arm upward with your wrist straight
  • Extend both legs


FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Kettlebell Clean and Press

  • Lower the kettlebell to the front side of your body, catching it on the side of your arm with your wrist straight while initiating a squat position
  • Decelerate the descent of your squat to absorb the weight of the fallen kettlebell, then immediately straighten your legs
  • Drop the kettlebell by pulling your elbow back
  • Continue to hold on to the kettlebell handle as it falls
  • When your arm straightens, decelerate the descent of the kettlebell
  • Lower the kettlebell to the ground between your legs while squatting down with a taut lower back and your trunk close to vertical

Single-Leg RDL (10 reps on each side)

FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Single Leg RDL Kettlebell Exercise

  • Stand straddling the kettlebell
  • With your knees straight, bend over and grasp the kettlebell handle with your right hand

FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash Doing a Single Leg RDL Kettlebell Exercise

  • Lift the kettlebell in your right hand and stand on your right leg
  • Pack your shoulders and tuck your tailbone under slightly so that your pelvis is parallel to the floor
  • Reach your left arm out to your side to help you maintain balance
  • Hinge at the waist, moving your torso toward the floor
  • Keep your head, spine, and pelvis aligned as you move and extend your left leg behind you while squeezing the glutes
  • Keep your hips level with the floor and maintain your proud chest position
  • Bend as far as you can without losing your alignment
  • You should feel a stretch in the hamstrings of the working leg
  • Squeeze your glutes as you come back up, extending your hips to lockout
  • Alternate sides

Plank Drag (5 reps on each side)

  • Begin in a forearm plank, elbows directly below your shoulders, and toes, hips, and head in a straight line
  • Position your feet wider than hip-distance to form a stable base, and keep your hips low
  • Place the kettlebell just behind your right hand
  • Engaging the glutes, low back, and abdominal muscles, reach your left arm across your chest to grab the kettlebell, dragging it on its side by the handle under your body
  • Pause when the kettlebell is just behind your left hand, stacked below your shoulder
  • Repeat on the opposite side

I implement strength training into my fitness regime at least three days a week. Try working with a lighter kettlebell and go up in weight as you get stronger. Kettlebells are a fun variation on the classic dumbbells and barbells you usually use when weight training, plus these exercises use different muscle groups which is key in any training routine.

For more MMA, kickboxing, and boxing training videos, be sure to check out our YouTube channel and subscribe.

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The Author: Shanie "Smash" Rusth is an undefeated professional mixed martial artist, FightCamp Trainer, and mother of two. She began training MMA in 2011 as a way to get in shape, learn a new skill, channel aggression, and feel empowered after becoming a young single mom. Outside of practicing martial arts and being a trainer, Shanie loves spending time in the gym and being active in the sunshine with her kids by going to the beach, running in the soft sand, and riding skateboards. Shanie is also USA Boxing Coach certified.