
30-Minute Boxing HIIT Family Workout With Shanie SMASH

Summer is coming and although you may have been cooped up with your kids all year, the weather is finally getting nice enough to tire them out with some good old-fashioned outdoor exercise! Find a park, a beach, or even a driveway, roll out a few mats, and run your kids through this 30 minute boxing HIIT workout. You’ll start with a fun warm-up, followed by 3 3-minute rounds of HIIT exercises and boxing punch combos, a mini ab workout, and finally, end with a partner stretch session. You can choose to either shadowbox or use a boxing bag if you have one accessible.

Warm-Up (30 seconds each)

Caterpillar To Push-up

Bear Crawl

Lunge With Rotation

Duck Walk

Frog Leaps

Snake Crawl

Jumping Jacks

High Knees

Repeat 2x

    Round 1 (3 minutes)

    (1 minute)
    Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross - Squat
    (1 - 2 - 1 - 2 Squat)

    (30 seconds)
    Lead Hook - Rear Hook
    (3 - 4)

    (1 minute)
    Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross - Squat
    (1 - 2 - 1 - 2 Squat)

    (30 seconds)
    Lead Hook - Rear Hook
    (3 - 4)

    (1 minute)

    Round 2 (3 minutes)

    (1 minute)
    Jab - Cross - Lead Hook - Rear Hook - Roll - Roll
    (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Roll Roll)

    (30 seconds)
    Mountain Climbers

    (1 minute)
    Jab - Cross - Lead Hook - Rear Hook - Roll - Roll
    (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Roll Roll)

    (30 seconds)
    Mountain Climbers

    (1 minute)

    Round 3 (3 minutes)

    (1 minute)
    Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross - Sprawl
    (1 - 2 - 1 - 2 Sprawl)

    (30 seconds)
    Lead Hook - Rear Hook
    (3 - 4)

    (1 minute)
    Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross - Sprawl
    (1 - 2 - 1 - 2 Sprawl)

    (30 seconds)
    Lead Hook - Rear Hook
    (3 - 4) 

    (1 minute)

    Core Strength (30 seconds each)

    Partner Sit Ups

    Partner Leg Lifts

    Side Plank (Right Side)

    Side Plank (Left Side)


    Repeat 2x

    Partner Stretches (30 seconds each)

    Straddle Fold


    Child’s Pose

    Supine Hamstring Stretch

    Chest Stretch

    Repeat 2x (each partner goes once)


    As a parent, you are a role model, and your child is more inclined to exercise if you set the example. My favorite way to bond as a family is through fitness. I try to get outside in the sunshine as much as possible with my kiddos--and it’s a bonus if we share a good sweat! It doesn’t always have to be a structured workout. Swimming, tossing or kicking a ball, and riding bikes are all great physical bonding activities as well. The most important thing is that you are together! can remind your kiddos that they just got #ShanieSmashed!

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    The Author: Shanie "Smash" Rusth is an undefeated professional mixed martial artist, FightCamp Trainer, and mother of two. She began training MMA in 2011 as a way to get in shape, learn a new skill, channel aggression, and feel empowered after becoming a young single mom. Outside of practicing martial arts and being a trainer, Shanie loves spending time in the gym and being active in the sunshine with her kids by going to the beach, running in the soft sand, and riding skateboards. Shanie is also USA Boxing Coach certified.